Monday, July 28, 2008

The Escape

Saturday was a cold morning, but scheming was going down in the boys room.
This morning Bubbles and Tigger woke up and started their escape plan!!

The boys chatted excitedly amongst themselves, while Mom and Dad tried to get every bit of extra sleep they could.
Tigger gave instructions to move the water cooler closer to the door, then Bubbles the little monkey he was, climbed with agility on top of the water cooler and expertly opened their bedroom door, running wildly into Mom and Dad's Room.
Tigger was pulled onto the bed and snuggled with Dad, gently tickling and touching Dad's face.
Bubbles was pulled onto the bed and Cuddled with Mom for a while, soaking up as much gentleness and love he could.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Morning

"Hello Bubbles and Tigger", mom exclaimed as she opened the Twins door to their bedroom.
The boys ran to mom and gave her a big hug......"My Mommy" said Leo, "Yes Leo" replied mom, " I am definatley your mommy, my cutie pie"

What a positivley glorius start to the morning!

Jungle energy porridge was given to the boys at the request of cereal.
The boys lapped it up, like hungry little cats, spooning heaps into their wide open mouths.

Now it was time for Tigger and Bubbles to get dressed and the monkey bussiness to start.
Leo and Josh managed to climb their way to the top of the window using the burglar guards as climbing aids.
Mom coaxed Josh down by saying that the Jersey she had was a special Monkey Jersey and was quite excited to get that on.
And so the morning progressed....

Time to get in the car and Tigger and Bubbles were playing up, so mom and dad spoke sternly to the boys.Eventually, they listened and got strapped into their car seats.

"Bye Bye Bubbles and Tigger, Love you my boys", Dad said, as he kissed each boy and gave a squeeze and a hug.....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Race Day

Bubbles and Tigger had a really good nights sleep, when they woke up they were full and energy and delight.

Mom gave yoghurt at the request of the boys for prebreakfast, as a full porridge breakfast would be given at school.

The twins got dressed with minimal coertian, and in to the car.
Dad gave the boys and Mom a kiss and a squeeze and off to school they went.

On the way as Mom drove that family vehicle through the roads of the city, the boys shouted from the back of the car, "Go Fast" "Go Fast" as they imagined they were on a race track.
What a delight!

"Off to school now boys...have fun my little monkeys" said mom.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend Wobbles

The Weekend was a very a eventful one for the Twins of No 4 Monte Vista.

Saturday Morning the boys helped Dad water the hanging plants...what a hoot they had.
Then the family was off to the neibourhood park down the road.
The boys loved walking down the road, it made them feel very important and no longer taking baby steps but big ones.

Mom was happy to sit on the slighly damp grass , while Bubbles, Tigger and Dad ran from swings to see saw to the Merrygoround.
There was alot going on in the Park, hadidaas visited, which made the boys immensly happy, running around chasing after them, calling out their names"Hadidaas" "Hadidaas"
The neighbourhood monkeys also had a turn in the limelight,Violently shaking the trees that bordered the park, as they frolicked with one another.

Sunday was Dad's Day, Mom was able to sleep in a little, and was awakened later during the morning by Tigger wearing a witches nose(part of mom's halloween outfit) and a mischevious giggle, a very endearing sight indeed.

Bubbles and Tiger got into a bit of trouble on Sunday Afternoon.
Bubbles initated play cooking near the oven and somehow without Mom and Dad's knowlege, flipped over the oven which landed on Tigger's head.
Thankfully Tigger was fine but Bubbles and Tigger lost all Kitchen privilages.
A very difficult lesson to learn, but that is Bubbles and Tigger growing up.

Till next time on Bubbles and Tiggers life adventure.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Afternoon Delight

Good afternoon

Im writing a little late today, as life gets ahead of one.

This morning Bubbles and Tigger were cuddled in Tiggers bed talking of spiders and creepy crawlies, letting their imaginations run the full length of their beds.

On the way to School Tigger and Bubbles refused to put any type of foot covering on, they are apparently alergic:) Even though Mom and Dad were quite insistant. Their devilish charms got the better of the parental figures.

Looking forward to pick the little munchkins up from school and carryon the adventure!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I love my Brother

Mom opened the Door this morning and found Bubbles and Tigger cuddling in Tigger's bed and talking to eachother about what the morning held.

The Boys were up early and breakfast was requested, after finishing the first bowl, Bubbles with an air of adulthood, proceded to feed Tigger another bowl full, and then roles were swopped.

While Mom and Dad were getting dressed, Bubbles made tall castles made of his blocks, what fun there was to be had this morning.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Rainy Day

What a morning, It was a rainy day, Bubbles and Tigger awoke with the spirit and vitality of just being wildly happy to be awake.
With Huge widespread smiles on their faces, the day ahead was filled with endless possibility.

Tigger was up first, Dad scooped him into his arms and went to look at the dark day pouring with glorious rain. He Loved it(Dad and Tigger)Bubbles and Tigger had slept so long that it was almost time for school, so the breakfast run will have to wait till they arrive.